James Miller Solutions Ltd - Agor IP Funding


Engineers, David and Ross of James Miller Solutions Ltd. were developing an innovative idea for brazing high voltage earthing cables that was safer to the user, the environment and without creating a spark (particularly important for areas where a spark could inadvertently cause an explosion)!

They wanted to take their idea forward and needed support with how to protect their innovative design and moving their idea onto the next stage.


Jess connected David and Ross with Agor IP -  a funded scheme through Swansea University which helped individuals and companies to develop and protect their innovations.

Jess continued to provide support, working with David and Ross to create a robust business case and application form to apply for funding from Agor IP. Jess was a point of contact through each step of the process in their engagement with Agor IP and Swansea University.


Financial support was successfully obtained from AgorIP paying for patent searches and the registration of a patent to protect their IP.

Getting the patent added significant value to their company, enabling David and Ross to continue to develop their idea. The initial Agor IP investment allowed them to continue on their journey to change how the industry joins electrical earthing cables to be significantly more efficient, effective and safe, whilst also using less carbon.   



After developing a novel approach to bonding earthing conductors for the high-voltage industry, we were introduced to Jess, who assisted us in shaping our business strategy and identifying potential funding opportunities. Jess played a pivotal role in helping us prioritize intellectual property protection, which led to us successfully securing funding to file a UK patent.

~Ross Miller of James Miller Solutions